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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Author Interviews: Writers of the Upcoming FEAR NOT Devotional (7th Free Book)

Anne: Sometime soon, my new devotional, Fear Not, will be released--hopefully sometime during August. So, in the next few weeks, I want you to get to know each of the writers in the devo a little better. I asked each of them the same questions. If they have a website, you can click on their names to find out more about them. I have placed nine other interviews on previous blogs. You can read them by clicking here on 1st2nd, 3rd4th5th, and 6th. I'm giving away one free book with each blog about the writers, and the contest is open until the book releases. Today is the last of those blogs.


The first interview today is with Betsy Baker, a woman who has a huge heart for the Lord. No, this isn't the actress by the same name. She doesn't have a website yet, and she doesn't talk much about herself. I'm thinking this is a modest woman who loves the Lord far more than she loves herself, but she did answer our questions.

Betsy, why did you contribute to Fear Not?

Betsy: We don’t have to live lives filled with anxiety, fear, or doubt, yet so many of us do. My family and I were among the many civilians  living near the battle lines during the build-up to first Gulf war. Rumors ran wild, filling us with new fears everyday. No one knew what to believe. During those months, I began to learn to depend on God rather than my own understanding, and he gave me unexpected peace. I’d like to encourage others to know they don’t have to be afraid.

Anne: What is the one thing you want people to know about you?

Betsy: That I thank God for rescuing me from a barren way of life and setting me on a new path with him.

Anne: Why is clinging to God when you are afraid important for you personally?

Betsy: When I seek God in times of trouble, he draws very near. He doesn’t always remove what I’m afraid of, but he helps me walk with him and have a peace that passes understanding. (Psalm 23:4)

Anne: What is your next writing project--or what is the next important event in your life?

Betsy: I’m writing personal essays for online magazines.

Anne: See what I mean? What a sweet and humble woman of God!


Anne: I told you all before that I would answer the same questions, so here goes.

Why did I contribute to this devotional?

I did write most of the devotionals, but really? I haven't faced nearly what the other writers have. My own personal fears feel so unsubstantial compared to theirs. This is one devo I'll keep around--their contributions could help me through much worse rough patches than I've ever experienced before.

What the one thing I want people to know about me?

That I care. I care most of all about this huge God of Love we worship. But I care too about the people I know who are afraid. God says "Fear Not," but He understands when we are not. He yearns for us to bring our fears to Him. He longs to comfort, strengthen, lift, and console, to hold us close to Him. I pray He will use me to help Him provide for that need.

Why is clinging to God when I am afraid important for me personally?

I have always been a worrier. My mother taught me well. She would still be awake when I came home from the very latest date. She waited by the kitchen window, staring up the highway whenever one of us came for a visit. I remember one time my aunt and uncle took my little girl fishing with them, saying they'd be back by sundown. My stomach kinked into a thousand knots before they arrived way after dark. That was BG--before God. Now, I let that worry drive me to my knees in prayer instead of turning me inside out. God alone can rescue me from fear.

What's next for me?

In the writing devotionals line, I'd like to do another one to follow this, calling it Neither be Afraid. Several people have already said they'd like to be a part of it. I'm not the only one who wants to demonstrate that God is sufficient for every fear we'll ever have. I have several other writings on the near horizon (books and stories both), but nothing quite equals the drive to let people know that Jesus is bigger than our worst fears.

That's it for the interviews. Meanwhile, I'm offering a seventh Fear Not book to a commenter on this blog. Six more are offered on the previous groups of interviews. I'm hoping that, even if you don't personally have fearful things to work through, you might know someone who does, someone who might benefit from encouraging devotions from people who have been there and come through with God's help. Leave your email in this fashion: anneb1944 (at) aol (dot) com so as to at least slow down spammers.

It doesn't matter which one you leave your comment on, by the way. If you want a copy or if you want a copy for someone you love, leave your comment on any one of these interview blogs with the writers. I'll pick a total of seven emails from all commenters, and those will receive copies of the book. US and Canada only, please.

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