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Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday Morning Devo - The Pit Loses

He shall pray to God, and He will delight in him, he shall see His face with joy, for He restores to man His righteousness. Then he looks at men and says, ‘I have sinned, and perverted what was right, and it did not profit me.’ He will redeem his soul from going down to the Pit, And his life shall see the light.
Behold, God works all these things, twice, in fact, three times with a man, to bring back his soul from the Pit, hat he may be enlightened with the light of life. Job 33:26-30, NKJV.

The Pit they're referring to here is Gehenna, or Hell, and what was given to one man (Job) fits the rest of us, man and woman--and often children. Sometimes depression feels like Hell must feel. Down in a dark, narrow well where no one can see you, the glimmer of light so far away, no way you can ever reach it.

But trust Him--Jesus is right there with you, and He will get you out. This too shall pass.

It's okay to take a doctor's advice and accept a pill. God invented doctors too, you see. All the things that are in those little round (or oblong or whatever) pills were created by God, and He gave scientists the knowledge and talent to know what things to put together for good.

That being said--getting drunk or drugged up is so very NOT a solution. Worse, instead of feeling better (which might happen for a few minutes), you wake up feeling so sick and headachey that you're even farther down in the pit than you were before.

Just trust Him--Jesus is right there with you, and He will get you out. This too shall pass. He promised He would never leave you, and He won't. He promised He would continue the good work He began in you, and He will do that. When you're too weak to hang onto Him any longer, let Him do the holding. He won't let you go. You're never too far away from Him.

Again--just trust Him. Relax in His lap while He shields you from the remains of the storm. His love never fails. His strength never ebbs.

Lord, it's so hard to see the Light from the bottom of the pit. Take our dark glasses off and let us see the light of Your day surrounding us. For Jesus's sake, Amen.

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