Our first interview today is with Ralene Burke, a homeschooling mom who is also a freelance editor and writer. I love her most recent post on commas, probably the punctuational thing I have the biggest problem with.
Ralene, why did you contribute to Fear Not?
Ralene: Fear Not seemed like an excellent opportunity to share with others on a topic that is near to my heart. It was a chance to share a bit of me in hopes of helping others grow just a little closer to God.
Anne: What is the one thing you want people to know about you?
Ralene: I want people to know that I am not perfect. I am hopelessly flawed--a constant work in progress. Sometimes people ask me how I do it all, and, frankly, I don't--I can't. But, with God on my side, I take it one step at a time.
Anne: Why is clinging to God when you are afraid important for you personally?
Ralene: I've learned over the years that nothing is stronger when you are afraid than our God. He is a refuge like no other. When the storm is raging and the seas are wild, He is a constant, smooth and steadfast. If I didn't have that knowledge, that comfort, I don't think I would have held up very well in the storms I've weathered the last few years.
Anne: What is your next writing project?
Ralene: I'm working on a fantasy based on the armor of God. It's a story that kind of goes right along with the Fear Not devo. One of the major themes is about stepping out in faith, even when you're afraid, trusting that God is right beside you.
Anne: Next up is Linda Wood Rondeau, an author with a bunch of titles (short stories and books) to her credit. She's also a transplant from rural northern New York to the teeming city of Jacksonville, Florida, where she now indulges year round in her favorite sport, golf.
Linda, why did you contribute to Fear Not?
Linda: I'm a cancer survivor. God helped me not only conquer the fears associated with my disease, but helped me face those fears with humor and a new appreciation of how precious life is.
Anne What is the one thing you want people to know about you?
Linda: That I am a survivor in many ways. I survived childhood emotional abuse, finally understanding as a adult, that my parents did the best they could and my mother, in turn, had suffered emotional scars in her life. God was able to help me learn to appreciate the good of my upbringing and forgive the bad. I am a survivor of divorce. Again, God got me through a difficult time in my life as a single parent of three children. Eventually, I met a wonderful man and we've been happily married for 36 years. In addition to cancer, I am a food addict survivor. It took me many years to admit my addiction. I am receiving much needed help through Weight Watchers. I have survived economic upheaval and many challenges throughout my marriage and child-rearing years. God has never failed to meet me and to provide encouragement and forgiveness when I needed Him most.
Anne: Why is clinging to God when you are afraid important for you personally?
Linda: Society sees "clinging" as something negative. However, grapes cling and they produce something wonderful and sweet. I believe clinging to God not only assures our survival, but He also uses these storms to fertilize our spirit, to refine it into something He can use.
Anne: What is your next writing project?
Linda: I am currently working on several projects: Legacy of Regret (an Adirondack suspense), a sweet romance (also set in the Adirondacks), Fiddler's Fling (a completed book waiting for a contract), Hosea's Heart (a modern day story inspired by the book of Hosea), and Who Put the Vinegar in the Salt (a Bible Study).
I think the most important event, that event that shaped the rest of my life, was meeting my husband doing community theater (a theme in It Really IS a Wonderful Life). We met, fell in love, and 36 years later still have a story to tell.
Anne: And the last interview for today is with Marty Simons, a lovely woman whose accomplishments would amaze most of us. She's a cancer survivor presently in a long-term treatment program, a marketing specialist, a musician, and a music teacher.
Marty, Why did you choose to write for Fear Not?
Marty: I found Anne a few years ago on a website that was seeking Christians with a story to tell about God. She wasn't sure that I'd be a good fit, but when she read my story she felt that it was worth sharing. Later, she asked me if I would contribute to a devotional she was putting together. So here I am!
Anne: What is the one thing you would like for people to know about you?
Marty: I would like people to know that God is first in my life, my family, and my work.
Anne: Why is clinging to God when you are afraid important for you personally?
Marty: As a cancer fighter, if I didn't lean on God, I would not survive. For me, leaning on God has to be constant and not just in times when I'm afraid.
Anne: What is your next writing project?
Marty: I have an idea for a funny Christian fiction book based on my experience in running a music school. Although I'm a little scared that people might come after me if they recognize themselves as one of my characters!
Anne: That's it for the interviews today, but there will be one more group later. Meanwhile, I'm offering a sixth Fear Not book to a commenter on this blog. Three more are offered on the first, second, and third groups of interviews. I'm hoping that, even if you don't personally have fearful things to work through, you might know someone who does, someone who might benefit from encouraging devotions from people who have been there and come through with God's help. Leave your email in this fashion: anneb1944 (at) aol (dot) com so as to at least slow down spammers.
It doesn't matter which one you leave your comment on, by the way. If you want a copy or if you want a copy for someone you love, leave your comment on one of these interview blogs with the writers. I'll pick a total of seven emails from all commenters, and those will receive copies of the book. US and Canada only, please.
Hi Anne, This looks terrific. I am looking forward to reading a copy soon.
Thanks so much! So am I!
Thanks for sharing a piece of your story and the motivation behind the Fear Not devotional!
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