Anne: I'm excited about our interview this morning. Loretta Boyett released her first book this year (Deadly Betrayal), and we get to find out more about her here. If you'd like to see the book review posted on this blog yesterday, click HERE. Even more about Loretta? Click on her name above or on her picture.
So, my friend, what inspired your book?
Loretta: I’ve loved reading mystery-suspense-thrillers ever since I picked up my first Nancy Drew mystery as young girl, so it was quite natural that my first adventure into writing fiction would be in that genre. The idea for Deadly Betrayal came in 2000, partly based on some recent advances in forensic technology at the time. But I had never written fiction, so I had to learn a lot before I could begin.
Anne: I know. It's truly amazing how many people think that because they love to read they can also write. It takes time to learn all the ins and outs, and then they change them. Tell me, Loretta, how long have you been writing? And why do you write?
Loretta: It seems as though I’ve been writing in one form or another all my life, but my first “public success” came in ninth grade when a skit I wrote was performed in front of the student body. Devotionals, inspirational stories from life experiences, testimonies, poetry, and curriculum are some of my published adventures.
I write because the Lord has called me to write.
Anne: Another surprise for new writers is how long it takes from start to finish--and how long did it take you to write, edit, and publish Deadly Betrayal?
Loretta: Haha. If only I could count the days. The Lord led me to begin writing fiction in 2000, but, as I’ve already said, I had a lot to learn. While teaching full-time and dealing with other life issues, I attended workshops at Christian conferences and completed several online courses in writing fiction. In the first of these courses, my instructor was author Bonnie Hearn Hill, an outstanding teacher who became my mentor, editor, and friend. I still remember her response after she read my initial submission: “Loretta, you are an excellent writer, but this is NOT the way to write fiction. Don’t shoot the messenger.”
In 2010, Deadly Betrayal (under a different title) was a semi-finalist in the ACFW Genesis Romantic Suspense category. In June 2011, I retired from teaching, began writing full-time, and re-wrote Deadly Betrayal as a suspense-thriller, which it should have been all along.
Anne: One of the most important parts of a book is the takeaway value. What do you want people to think about after they've read Deadly Betrayal?
Loretta: I want them to realize our God is a forgiving God when we repent, and we don’t have to worry about our future when we rest in He who holds the future.
Anne: All writers have a favorite among their characters, so tell us which is your favorite? Why?
Loretta: Beth Thompson. After suffering tragedy, unfulfilled longing, and disappointment, she reacts with anger and bitterness, but when she seeks and receives forgiveness, she learns to trust the Lord to lead and guide her through life no matter what happens.
Anne: If this were made into a movie, who would you have play Joe?
Loretta: It’s a tie between George Clooney and Ben Affleck.
Anne: Wow--totally not how I picture him. I would have put Peter Lorry in his spot. Finally, would you please tell me a little about your next book?
Loretta: I’m currently working on the plot for the second book in my Hidden Danger Trilogy, and I don’t have all the details nailed down yet. However, it will be a Christian suspense-thriller filled with danger, deceit, and many twists and turns. You can read more about it on my blog, From Finished Book to Publication, website http://lorettaboyett.blogspot.com/
Anne, loved reading the second part of this today. It's been wonderful getting more acquainted with Loretta and I look forward to reading her books and following her career. Blessing to you both, Susan Fryman
Hi, Susan!
I enjoyed getting to know her (and her book) better, too.
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