While I was growing up, my mother worked at a Christian bookstore. She would bring me books to read and also journals to write in, so I suppose she is partially responsible for my love of reading Christian fiction and my love of writing.
I wanted to pass on this love. As an English teacher for middle school students I urged them to find books they could get into, knowing this would help me battle the “I hate to read” and “reading is boring” comments. I knew if I could just find some kind of book that each child would take interest in and read, their reading proficiency and comprehension would increase--not to mention, they might actually enjoy it.
My husband and I prayerfully decided to educate our daughter at home. Now it was time to teach my daughter the same lessons. I’m happy to say she is an avid reader and even a reviewer of Christian fiction.
While my daughter did her school lessons, God led me to begin writing more again. I started to read author blogs, getting tips for my writing. One author suggested joining American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). I checked into this community of writers and joined, taking advantage of online courses and a plethora of advice.
A couple of summers ago I flipped through the file box under my desk and counted over fifteen manuscripts I had written. A church friend had read some of those and urged me to pursue publication.
Were the stories I had written meant for just my friends, or could God actually mean for me to share them with others? This was the point at which I laid out my “fleece.” I prayed, asking God to give me a sign as to whether He wanted me to pursue publication.
The next morning after my prayer, an email was awaiting me. It was an acceptance of one of my articles for a national magazine. After squealing, I felt like God had answered. He wanted me to publish the stories He had given to me, but I also knew He meant for me to keep learning.
An opportunity opened to be able to submit a novella to a publisher. I remember my finger hovering above the send button. I prayed: “God, if this is where you want this book, let the story touch someone there.”
When the email arrived from the editor of that publisher, I cried. The first line read: “I was touched by this story.” That book, The Blessing Seer, came out July 6, 2012. Readers and reviewers have commented about how the book has boosted their faith. What more could a Christian writer ask for?
God saw fit to give me the next chapter in the main character’s life in the sequel, Be the Blessing. I’m excited to say that this story has been contracted and edits will begin soon.
What can I say? Dear Christian brothers and sisters, if you feel you don’t know God’s call on your life, ask Him. When He answers, step out in faith knowing He will guide.
God’s call for me to write for Him is at once exciting and humbling. I never imagined this undeserving pastor’s wife and homeschool mom could do something significant for God, touching others for Him. To God be the glory!

Yet, Addy wants only to be used by God, even if that means seeing visions and risking relationships with family and friends. By stepping out on a limb, can Addy really accomplish something significant for God? What affect will her surrender to His will have on those around her? And what affect will it have on her own life?
I have read "The Blessing Seer" and it is awesome. A must read for any Christian as it encourages us to step out of our comfort zone.
I haven't read it yet, although it is on my "want to read" list. I like books like this.
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