Often when I'm in a restaurant I leave small "thank you" notes for the waitress or waiter when I give my credit card for the bill. The recipient often comes back all smiles.
A little while back, one waitress came back with tears in her eyes. "You don't know what this did for me," she said. She said it had been a tough day for her. She didn't elaborate, but that little "thank you, you did a great job" lifted her out of the doldrums.
Sometime this week, would you please give someone an unexpected boost? A thank you, a hug, a prayer--it might be just what they need to make it through another day.
Prayer: Lord, You give us so much. You give us grace to cover our mess-ups; You give us strength when ours is flagging; You hold us together when we feel like falling apart. Father, we'd like to return the favor by blessing someone who needs a boost. Point us to those people who need Your blessing. Give us the words to say, the action to take to make that happen. Thank You, Lord.
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