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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Author Interviews--Writers of the Upcoming FEAR NOT Devo (5th free book)

Anne: Sometime soon, my new devotional, Fear Not, will be released--hopefully sometime during August. So, in the next few weeks, I want you to get to know each of the writers in the devo a little better. I asked each of them the same questions. If they have a website, you can click on their names to find out more about them. I have placed nine other interviews on previous blogs. You can read them by clicking here on 1st2nd, 3rd and 4th. I'm giving away one free book with each blog about the writers, and the contest is open until the book releases. Because the book releases in late August, the next three posts will have only two authors per post. You see--I like to keep you on pins and needles right up to the last minute!


 Our next interviewee is Karen Ingalls, ovarian cancer survivor and author of Outshine: An Ovarian Cancer Memoir. I love to hear from the survivors, don't you?

Karen, why did you contribute to Fear Not?

Karen: I contributed to Fear Not because I wanted to share how my faith in God helped me through ovarian cancer, childhood abuse, divorce, or any day-to-day events of life that can be fearful, stressful, and life-changing.

Anne: What is the one thing you want people to know about you?

Karen: I was not raised in a Christian home and only came to know Christ when I was 17. I believe that without God, the challenges I have had to face would have been far harder, if not impossible, to endure or overcome.

Anne: Why is clinging to God when you are afraid important for you personally?

Karen: When I am afraid I often use the image of God’s arms around me and my head leaning on his shoulder. There is a prayer by St. Francis of Assisi that I use a lot.

Anne: What is your next writing project--or what is the next important event in your life?

Karen: I just published my first novel, Novy’s Son, The Selfish Genius which is about a man trying to find love and acceptance from his father. I am now working on my second novel based on the beautiful love story between my great-grandparents. In addition, the next important events in my life are: the birth of my first great-grandchild in September, and learning from the oncologist in August what the next plan of treatment for my recurrence might be. I am hoping it will be a clean bill of health and no further treatment required. All three events are exciting.

Anne: I'm all in favor of kids, grandkids, and greatgrands! I love my own, and whenever I get the chance, I also love on other people's! Baby cuddles and kid hugs rank right up there at the top of my favorite things to do list!


The next interviewee is Linda Hannah, coauthor of cozy mystery Reflections of a Stranger with Deborah Dulworth. She and her husband Bill are the proud parents of three daughters. They also have six grandchildren.

Linda, Why did you contribute to Fear Not?

Linda: I contributed because we all face devastating news at some point in our lives. Often encouragement and hope comes when we learn how someone else faced a similar problem.

Anne: What is the one thing you want people to know about you?

Linda: I love to laugh. Having a sense of humor is probably a good thing because my life has been filled with numerous funny and unusual events.

Anne: Why is clinging to God when you are afraid important for you personally?

Linda: I'm a naturally timid person. Many years ago, I not only gave my heart to the Lord, I gave Him everything, including my fear. That meant I would trust Him in every circumstance. Even if the outcome isn’t what I want, I know He’ll give me the needed strength and grace to endure any pain and/or suffering.

Anne: What is your next writing project?

Linda: A friend and I recently completed our second novel, Pressed Flowers. We’ve nearly finished the editing process and look forward to finding a publishing home for this romantic comedy very soon.


Anne: That's it for the interviews today, but there will be more later. Meanwhile, I'm offering a fifth Fear Not book to a commenter on this blog. Four more are offered on the first, second, third, and fourth groups of interviews. I'm hoping that, even if you don't personally have fearful things to work through, you might know someone who does, someone who might benefit from encouraging devotions from people who have been there and come through with God's help. Leave your emails on any one of the interview blogs in this fashion: anneb1944 (at) aol (dot) com so as to at least slow down spammers.

1 comment:

Eileen Rife said...

Thanks for sharing your journeys, Ladies! Wow, amazing faithfulness of God in bringing you through with His victory.