
Friday, September 6, 2013

Book Review--THE FEARLESS PASSAGE OF STEVEN KIM by Carl Herzig and Steven Kim

Fearless Passage of Steven Kim: The True Story of an American Businessman Imprisoned in China for Rescuing North Korean Refugees

In 1975, a twenty-seven-year-old Korean man stepped into New York and an adventure no one in their right mind would ever want. Kim Seung-Whan (who later adopted the Americanized Steven Kim) had been an eager, hard-working young man bent on becoming rich, a goal which he achieved. He married the perfect girl (Helen) who not only supported him in his dreams but worked beside him. He attended and supported his church but remained unmoved by any of the messages.

His prosperous ventures eventually led him into China, and here his life began to change. He began going to a Chinese-Korean church there when his business failed. And then he found a Korean church, which is illegal in China, and as his business and his faith began to grow he began to help a few North Korean refugees in need find jobs--again illegal. When the Chinese government found out, he was thrown into prison.

Find out how this experience strengthened rather than demolished him as well as benefited others around him in his four years of deprivation, slave labor, and blessings. The Fearless Passage of Steven Kim is available from Christian Book Distributors, Barnes and Nobel, Amazon, and Kobo (an ebook distributor specializing in selling books for several types of e-readers).

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