
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Author Interview, Jessica Kristie

Anne: Today we have Jessica Kristie on board, author of Barbed Wire Butterflies and publisher at Winter Goose Publishing and Hallway Publishing. Jessica will be a presenter at the Write to Inspire Conference in Sacramento, CA, on July 19 and 20 this year. She will also be listening to pitches from writers who attend--but today, we're talking mostly about her own book. If you'd like to read the review I wrote yesterday, click HERE.

Jessica, what inspired you to write Barbed Wire Butterflies?

Jessica: The topic of human trafficking was divinely placed for me. That part came first, then after some research God gave me the words. It was an outpouring that I believe is meant to open the conversation to begin taking a look at this difficult subject.

Anne: How do you find time to write when you are also a publisher at Winter Goose Publishing?

Jessica: I admit it is difficult and my writing has suffered due to this very busy time with Winter Goose and Hallway Publishing. It is all a blessing and I make time for writing, but not as much as I would like. After the summer I hope to sit down and re-inspire my sense of writing, as that vent is so needed in my life. 

Anne: It seems a little odd to be talking to you about slavery on America's Independence Day--but perhaps it's fitting. Slavery continues even in this modern world. Do you know if there are really any "sweat shops" such as Barbed Wire Butterflies describes?

Jessica: Unfortunately, yes. Lots of them and all around the world. They are more prevalent internationally, such as in China and India, but there are plenty here in the U.S. as well. Often in the U.S. you will find slaves mixed with regular warehouse employees as apposed to the entire operation being only unwilling participants, or those paid at terrible wages and worked long hours.

Anne: What do you find is the hardest part or least favorite part of writing a novel? What is the easiest or most fun?

Jessica: The hardest part for me is keeping the story consistent and fun, but that is also the most exciting part. The challenge of pulling all the pieces together and looking at the finished product is a beautiful reward to the difficulties in the process.
Anne: What is the most challenging part of being in the publishing business?
Jessica: The business is ever changing with constant technological advances and many alternative options for both writers and publishers. It can be difficult to meet everyone's needs, including our own. We are dedicated to putting out the best books in content and aesthetics, and have successfully been rolling with the changing business. 
Anne: And last but certainly not least, would you like to tell us about your next book?
Jessica: I have finished a psychological thriller that I hope to have released next year. I'm excited to expand my writing skills as well as write in a genre I've always loved reading.
Anne: It does sound exciting, Jessica. Thank you so much for sharing today, and I'm really looking forward to seeing you at the conference.
 God bless!

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