I'm participating in a blog tour that will: (1) let others become better acquainted with me through my answers to the following questions, and (2) promote my friends and fellow writers who also will answer the questions next week---or who already did it. At the end of these questions, I'll put links to the persons who asked me to participate and to those I invited to continue the tour. I ask that you would also click on their links, and I'm thanking you in advance for reading and jumping to their links. May God bless your day!
The questions are:
1. What is the working title of my work in progress (WIP)? I call my WIP What is Truth, third in The Truth Series. This series has been about Jews and proselytes (non-Jews who joined the Jewish religion) and their progress through faith and into love.
2. Where did the idea come from for the book? The idea for this WIP came from characters in the previous two books. The series began from a novel I began about 35 years ago about a Roman centurion and a Jewish girl in Jerusalem. They quickly had to move to Jericho, however, because the setting didn't work for distances. I had to move them closer to the Jordan River.
4. What genre does your book fall under? It sorta falls under Historical Romance, and sorta under Biblical Fiction.
5. Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? Okay, here is where I date myself. Unless you are above fifty years old, you probably don't have a clue who some of these folks are. For this WIP, I would choose Tony Curtis as Centurion Marcus; Caesar Romero for his father and the romantic principal guy; for the romantic principle gal, I would maybe select Angela Lansbury; for her sidekick, I would choose Rhea Perlman; for the woman at the well, Julia Roberts.
6. What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book? What would it take to make a Roman Senator quit his senatorial seat, become a Christian, and seek to win the heart of a Greek physician's scarred widow?
7. Will your book be self-published or published by a traditional house? I would sincerely love to stay away from self-publishing, Lord willing.
8. How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript? It isn't done yet, but I'm assuming approximately ten months.
9. What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? My favorite comparison would be to Francine Rivers' Mark of the Lion series, but it will take a lot of experience and talent to match her expertise; two others are Carole Towriss's In the Shadow of Sinai and Roseanna White's A Stray Drop of Blood and Jewel of Persia.
10. Who or What inspired you to write this book? My love of Biblical History and the first century inspires the series--and, of course, God.
11. What else about your book might pique the reader's interest? People might also be interested to know what it took to become a proselyte before Christianity, per se, began; they also might wonder what the lives of people in Rome were like during that first century. For me, it's fascinating.
Links for the readers:
June Foster's Blog: http://junefoster.blogspot.com/
Cindy Loven's Blog: http://cindylovenreviews.blogspot.com/
Jennifer Slattery's Blog: http://jenniferslatterylivesoutloud.com/
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