
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Author Interview--Barbara T. Marshall

Anne: This morning I'm interviewing a lady who interviewed me for her television show, The Barbara T. Marshall Show. Turn about's fair play, don't you think? If you want to read the review of her book, click HERE.

All of us want to know, Barbara, what inspired Ransomed?  

Barbara: My mission is for women to catch a vision for their lives, the same vision that God sees for them. Many women see themselves as slaves to their circumstances. With Ransomed, I encourage them to step out of the shadows and into God’s light. It is in that place where He will reveal their true beauty, an inner beauty that will ultimately reflect outwardly to all those around.

Anne: I know you probably get lots of comments in regard to your book, but is there one that really stands out as far as someone who was helped by the encouragement in the book?

Barbara The feedback on Ransomed  (and its accompanying study guide) is a great blessing. The one that touched me the most is the woman who felt ugly and barren because she had had an abortion while in college. Forty years later she still wondered if God punished her, because she couldn’t get pregnant again. She touched my life by sharing how this book helped her to see that God is not a God of punishment but of love and that He can make her beautiful from the inside out.

“I have been forever and deeply touched by this study guide to Ransomed. Barb Marshall asks discerning questions that every woman needs to answer for herself. It triples the effectiveness of her companion book by adding scripture and commentary without being redundant. Thank you!” ~Deb Attaway      

"Our Bible study together has really changed my idea of faith and you have really helped me with my walk with Christ and helped my understanding improve on the Word and God’s plan for me. Thank you for that." ~Krislyn Marshall, Ransomed Girl Bible Study for one year

"Barbara Marshall's book, RANSOMED, and Love Your Life Ministries has been very uplifting to me. Barb's influence and teaching has helped me view my walk with the Lord from a fresh perspective. I believe that it is very important to have a meaningful relationship with Christ and with others. This ministry focuses on just that: keeping my relationship with Christ relevant and true. And, as a result, so are my relationships with others. Thank you."  ~Beth Erickson

Anne: What one thing helped you the most in overcoming your eating problems? 

Barbara: There were counselors, dietitians, and doctors, but none of them seemed to make a difference. Why?  Because I was in denial about being bulimic. My life felt out of control so I took control by by purging. On one of those out-of-control days, I walked to the refrigerator to start my secret recipe so I could purge. I remember so clearly when God told me: “Barbara, STOP!  Call your sponsor, Mary.” During that moment of anxiety and fear, I took instant control.  With great hesitance and in tears, I dialed the number.  Mary  said to me, “Which God are you going to serve, your eating disorder or God almighty?” That night I turned to Philippians 4:13 which says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” For the first time I did not purge. Without a doubt I know that God gave me the strength. Today, I can say the words each addict longs to say: “I AM FREE!”

Anne: If there were one thing you could erase from your life, what would it be?

Barbara: If I could live life over again, would I have done things different? Absolutely! But I believe that past circumstances have shaped me for who I am today. The one thing I would like to erase and change would be to no longer have to work so that I could be in full time ministry. My passion is to share with the world real hope, real love, real joy, and real faith.

Anne: What’s the best writing advice you’ve received?

Barbara: To write, keep writing, and rewrite. Writing is hard work. If you keep the vision of why you are writing in mind, it will turn into a blessing for you and for all those around you.  Another great advice I received is to join a writers’ critique group.

Anne: What is the most important part of Ransomed to you?

My desire is to help each reader catch a vision for his or her life, to see how valuable each one is to God and to those around them. No one has to live in the shadows, defeated and without hope. I encourage each one to come out into the light and see what an amazing life God has planned for you!

Anne: Are you working on another book? Would you like to tell us about it?

Barbara: My focus is now on my new book, Real Hope, Real Love, and Real Faith for the Hurting Mom.

Each mom hurts at some point in her life. When one’s heart hurts, one feels helpless and out of control.  One of the questions is, “What can I do when I feel so helpless, alone, and frustrated? “

 There are many moms in the Bible who address these moments: The widow who did not have enough food to feed her son; Job’s children who liked to party; Micah who stole from his mother; Solomon who loved too many women; Saul who had a temper; David who committed adultery and murdered an innocent soldier; Hagar who was sent away and saw her son about to die for thirst; Moses who had a death sentence even before he was born; Samson who went to a prostitute and married the wrong girl; Mary, the mother of Jesus who was falsely accused and  brutally murdered. Each of these had a mom and some were moms themselves. Each mom was affected by her child’s action or the result of that action. And yet, God shows us through His Word how one can have real love, hope, and real faith even in the midst of tough circumstances.

Anne: Thank you so much for joining us today, Barbara. It's been a delight to learn a little more about you. I count myself blessed to be among your friends!

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