
Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Morning Devo - Wait?

Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. Psalm 27:14, KJV

I'm not really a very patient person. It may look that way from the outside, but I know that on the inside I am impatience personified. I dislike waiting in long lines at stores. My placid exterior hides an interior that screams for a cot and blanket, a book to read, or a friend to chat with. Sometimes I'm reminded I could use that time for prayer, like when I see someone struggling with unfamiliar payment equipment, a mom with restless children, or a guy in a cast.

I don't think waiting is easy on most folks. Remember when it seemed like forever until the end of the school day? What about as a young adult pinching each penny twice, waiting for a tax return can seem endless. Pregnancies can feel more like nine years than nine months. (In fact, the last month can seem like ten years all by itself!). Waiting for the all-clear from a doctor's diagnosis of illness can take months or even years.

All in good time, folks. God's timing is so different from our own! When He says wait, it can be minutes, days, months, or years, but His answer will come at just the right time. Hang in there, because "the trying of your faith worketh patience."

His good will come in His time.

Prayer: Lord, please be patient with our impatience. Help us remember that our children will all too soon be grown and gone, that every healing will happen at the right time, and that we can be patient with others and with circumstances with Your help, and help us remember that You always freely give Your help. Thank You, precious Lord.

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