
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Author Interview - Heidi Glick

Anne: Our interview today is with Heidi Glick, the author of the recently released romantic suspense, Dog Tags. You wouldn't think anyone as sweet and innocent-looking as Heidi could come up with a mean character--but trust me, she can.

So, Heidi, what gave you the idea for Dog Tags?

Heidi: I wanted a story with a villain with certain weaknesses that might help lead to his demise, but at the same time, I wanted the villain to be able to capitalize on the weaknesses of the hero. Also, I wanted a strong female as my heroine.

Anne: You certainly nailed these three main characters. If this were made into a movie, who would you choose to play Beth and Mark?

Heidi: Solely based on looks, I would have Paul Walker play Mark, and Rachel McAdams would play Beth. In fact, on Pinterest, I have created boards for each character.

Anne: If you played one of the characters in Dog Tags, who would you play and why?

Heidi: I would play Beth (although the makeup people would have to make me look younger--ha ha) because Beth and I are both free spirits and forget to charge our cell phones and easily lose our keys. Good thing I have a real-life history buff as my husband, who helps keep me on track!

Anne: If the screenwriter decided your book had way too much religion in it, what would you tell him?

Heidi: My book mentions God, and if God offends the screenwriter, then he (or she) and I shouldn't make a movie together.

Anne: What music would you choose as the theme song?

Heidi: I would use a song created by my pastor's daughter. It's called Where the Rain Ends.

Anne: Enough about movies--tell us why you write.

Heidi: I write to inspire. I like to share my faith through fiction.

Anne: Would you like to tell us about your next book?

Heidi: I'm working on several. I'm working on Covert Affair, the follow-up to Dog Tags; Pearl of the West, a romance novella set in Mexico; and Ten Degrees from Normal, the first book in an environmentally themed suspense series.

Anne: Wow, Heidi, that is certainly an ambitious number of books to tackle all at the same time, but...I'll bet you do it without losing your keys in any of them! Thanks for joining us this morning, and we'll see you back here when your next book comes out. And the next. And the next...

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