
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

This Is My Story - Cece Cervantes

Our story today comes to us from Cece Cervantes, yet another victim of sexual predators. May God be with her as she writes to try to help others in similar situations.

My manuscript that I call A Woman Resurrected is the true, surreal story of my tragic life from my near-death at birth in 1971 until I rediscovered God in 2006. The following is an abbreviated account of what I detail in my book.

I was sexually abused by my uncle at the age of ten, and years later thrown onto the streets by my husband at the age of twenty-seven. I lost contact with my four young daughters.

At that point, I encountered my greatest suffering,at the hands of Joaquin, a Santería sadist, who imprisoned and tortured me for nearly four years. When he was through me with, he handed me over to the Holy Death—Santa Muerte—a saint who has attracted five million followers in Mexico and four million in the U.S.

When the Holy Death came to kill me, I prayed to Jesus Christ for help. Miraculously, the Holy Death was defeated, and I was reborn. I pray that a publisher would want to pick up A Woman Resurrected to save peoples lives with my story.

My message with this book is to save others from evil so that they can turn to Jesus. Furthermore, I hope to tear down the temples of the Holy Death, patron saint of drug traffickers who erect altars to her, believing she protects them from arrest, and the millions of followers that worship the Holy Death, believing that her statue will give them prosperity, love, health, and a better life.

I thank our Jesus for my salvation and for resurrecting me from near death.

Cece Cervantes


  1. God bless you, Cece! Thank you for sharing your touching story with others. Thank you for sharing God's love and goodness with the world. I will rejoice with you when your amazing book is published.


  2. Hi Nancy. Thank you for stopping by. I sent your comment on to Cece.
    God bless your day


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