
Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday Morning Devo: Those Who Mourn

Matthew 5:3 "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."

The first death in my family that really struck me was when my Grandma Leeper died. My mother's mother had to be one of the most loving women God ever created. When I was little, I loved sitting on her lap. She had the softest, most comfy, warmest lap in the world.

I was twenty-four when she left this world for heaven. She'd had cancer, and I'm sure she had to have been so much happier and out of pain, but all I knew is my beloved Grandma wouldn't ever hug me again. I cried as I haven't ever cried since.

I remember riding in the car from the church to the graveyard, feeling amazed when I saw people out working in their yards. Didn't they know the world had ended? How could life just go on as though nothing had happened?

Grief is such an overwhelming thing that it's hard to fathom if you've never experienced it, but I imagine all of you have in varying degrees. The thing you need to know (and I didn't when Grandma died) was that God longs to comfort you, to gather you into His arms and whisper, "There, there. It will be all right. I'm here with you, and I won't leave you."

He understands, you know. He watch His own Son die a painful death on the cross. And so, when your grief is at a manageable level you can comfort someone else.

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for understanding our mourning and coming to comfort us. Thank You, too, that You send us to others who mourn to share Your caring. For Your sake we will do that, Lord.

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