
Friday, February 15, 2013

Book Review - CRUEL HARVEST by Fran Elizabeth Grubb

Cruel Harvest: A Memoir  -     
        By: Fran Grubb

God bless people with the courage to write about the pain and shame in their childhoods. Fran Elizabeth Grubb's childhood was an unending nightmare no child should ever have to endure, but endure she did. She not only endured but triumphed.

One of seven children, she traveled across the south picking cotton with her parents. Her father was a cruel alcoholic who got meaner when he'd been drinking--which was every day. He beat his wife and children for any or no reason and sexually abused his daughters. Only the love of their mother kept the children sane.

This is an amazing story by a courageous woman who, with the love and help of God and her wonderful husband, overcomes a shattering past to find and reunite most of her scattered family and forgive her father.

Cruel Harvest is available from Christian Book Distributors, Amazon, and Barnes and Nobel. I'll warn you, it's heart-rending reading--but worth it.


  1. I too am thankful Fran Elizabeth Grubb had the courage to write this book as well. She and I suffered the same abuse. In our generation it was swept under the carpet and still is to a degree today. Stories like this enlighten the world to some of the silent tragedies our children suffer today. Thank you for sharing this book. Blessings, Susan Fryman

  2. You are so right, Susan, and it has been much more prevalent than anyone would imagine. I have two cousins and several friends who suffered from this unspeakable degredation. It is so ugly, no matter what generation you are a part of!


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