
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Book Review - RADICAL WELL-BEING by Rita Hancock

A couple of months back, I volunteered to review a book by renowned author, physician, professor, and licensed mental health counselor, Rita Hancock, MD. To my surprise, she accepted my offer sent me a copy of her book. I began reading it immediately, reading a chapter or two a day.

I'll be honest. When I first began reading, I wasn't too sure about this doctor's approach to healing. Connecting the spiritual, physical, and mental to achieve healing of, say, migraine headaches seemed optimistic and simplistic.

I was raised to believe doctors were the answer--they knew everything about the body and how to heal it. I looked on doctors with almost hero worship.

Years later I became a Christian, and I found out firsthand that sometimes God heals supernaturally with no help from doctors. Again, hero worship, this time of One who deserved worship.

However, it never occurred to me to connect abuse as a child with migraine headaches. In this case Dr. Hancock made a believer of me. She takes this book through cure after documented cure to demonstrate her points; the more I read, the more I nodded in agreement. I think if you read her book, you will concur. I give this book and this author a four-and-a-half thumbs up. (Don't ask where I got the extra thumbs...)

Radical Well-Being, a Biblical Guide to Overcoming Pain, Illness, and Addictions released yesterday (December 8) at Amazon and Barnes and Nobel; it can be preordered for March 19 from Christian Book Distributors. Click on the name of your favorite book distributor to buy a copy. To find out a little more about Rita Hancock, MD, click HERE.

When I began reading, as I said above, I wasn't too sure I would finish this one or that I'd review it if I did finish it. When I accept a free book from an author or a publisher, there is no obligation to write a positive review. Just in case you have wondered why you never see a negative review on here, I only review books I like and agree with (see my motto at the top of the page). If that means I don't like it for whatever reason, I alert the author or publisher that I won't be doing a review. You will never see a book trashed here.

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