
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Saturday Sermonette - When the Angels Sing

To be technically accurate, the Bible says that the angels praised God (Luke 2:13) when they appeared to the shepherds near Bethlehem, and there's no record that the shepherds followed the star (as the wise men did) to find Jesus. However, in my heart I feature a heavenly choir singing.

All the angel told the shepherds was that they would find Him in a manger wrapped in swaddling clothes. According to Bob May, the population of Bethlehem was approximately 300 to 1000 people--but keep in mind that all the descendants of David were supposed to go to that city to be counted.

The population could have increased like a city hosting the Superbowl or the World Series or the Olympics. So did these shepherds walk into town, asking this person and that, "Have you seen a baby lately?"

How did they find the right stable? How did they know Jesus was the right baby? Somehow, God directed them. How He did it is unimportant, really, isn't it?

Back to whether the angels were singing or shouting praises. Again--how important is that distinction? Maybe they did both.

I would.

The important thing is that the shepherds did find him, and the angels did voice their praises. My prayer is that that you, too, will find Him; and then you, too, will understand the praising. Whether in singing or in speaking, you will also rejoice with the angels.

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